Members Area
Our Member resources section is a directory of useful information to help you make the most of your Scouting in South Ribble. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out to one of the team.
Tell us why volunteering is #GoodForYou
Share your volunteering story by filling out the short form below. Some of these stories may be featured on our website, social channels or in our newsletters.
Staying safe and safeguarding – Looking after each other
Scouts’ A Million Hands Programme – Better Mental Health For All
One in every ten young people in the UK has a mental health problem. Mental health problems can stop young people from achieving their goals, now or later in life.
Every young person deserves to be able to reach their full potential. We’re working together with Scouts as part of their A Million Hands programme, to help make that happen.
Latest Updates
[/button_flex]Media Support – Looking for the latest recruitment video? Have a story to share? Or need support with your event/branding – Check out the latest resources/news for campaigning, media development, and communicating with members through printed and online media for the district. Check it out here.
Handy Documents & Links
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out to one of the team.
Youth Shape – The more young people are involved in shaping their Scouting experiences the more they will get out of it, and the more likely they are to stay, do well and achieve their top awards.
Skills Audit – We’ve created some handy skills audit forms to help you capture parent/guardian details. How they might be able to help? and their skills/hobbies – Use your skills to help young people gain theirs.
Your Training
Find out about the training for your role or learn how you can help others through their training programme. Volunteers are the heart of the Scouts and we want you to get every bit as much out of it as you put in.
International Opportunites
Find out more about all the opportunities to get overseas with West Lancs Scouts and via the UK Contingent – For some of the largest World Scouting events, the Scouts has a dedicated team of national volunteers who organise UK Contingents to attend these unique ‘once in a lifetime’ international scouting experiences.
“My jamboree was amazing, that’s all I keep saying since I arrived back home… so many memories, so many friends, it was honestly the best” – Poppy, World Scout Jamboree 2019 participant
All Leaders Meeting Minutes
Missed a meeting? Don’t worry…
Media Team
Scouting is about adventure for everyone and at every level. This message runs through all of our media work and is what we call our ‘brand’. Underpinning the idea of adventure is that Scouting is about fun, friendship, trust, being confident and inclusive. Do you have something you want to shout about or share across the district or the wider community – Our media team are on hand to support you.